Field trips are an important and valuable part of the educational experience. They offer opportunities for students to interact with one another outside the campus and learn about new things. Our teachers are working hard to make sure every field trip is a fun and valuable learning experience.
This year, our elementary program went to the pumpkin patch for our fall field trip. They learned about how pumpkins grow and that pumpkins are actually a fruit, not a vegetable! The kids enjoyed walking through the pumpkin patch and got to bring home their very own pumpkin.
The elementary students also participated in the Creek Week celebration in Santa Rosa. They had the opportunity to learn about and explore the creeks and rivers in our community. Some students and their families also participated in a creek cleanup day.
Mr. Buzan is heading up the Farms Program at Pivot North Bay, and so far he has taken his group of students to an apple orchard and on a ropes course. They learned all about apples, and how they grow, and had the opportunity to taste an apple fresh off the tree! They also tested their courage at the ropes course, and bonded by completing the course together.
Ms. Poulsen and Mr. Mehew recently took a group of students to the Redwood Food Bank. They worked together packing boxes of food and enjoyed doing community service together.
Mr. Halderman and Mr. Mehew recently took a trip to Slide Ranch for some hiking fun. Students and teachers braved the storm to enjoy the great outdoors and get some fresh air, exercise and learn about the wilderness and environment right in our own backyard.
Our teachers and students are looking forward to even more exciting field trips in 2016!